About Us
The Organization
Alaietidal Organization for Dialogue, Peace building, Development and combating Extremism is a non-governmental organization that works to consolidate the meanings of religious and societal dialogue and promote a culture of tolerance and aims to build peace, reject racism, abolish hate speech and combat extremism.

Our Objectives
- Work to raise the capabilities of youth through training and scientific research to combat extremism.
- Developing social communication skills.
- Promoting a culture of dialogue, tolerance and community peace.
- Spreading societal awareness to achieve peace and manage religious and ethnic diversity.
- Supporting and strengthening civil society in building productive and effective partnerships in the field of peace, tolerance and combating extremism.
- Encouraging and honoring young researchers, talented people and those interested in promoting a culture of peace and tolerance from inside and outside the country.
- Achieving sustainable development goals and promoting human rights.
Humanity traces its origins to one father and one mother.
Many peoples and nations have suffered from hate speech that leads to hateful apartheid and discrimination based on color, religion, and language, as it is based on separating people based on their sexual origins and class differences.